Algorithm Implementations

Implementation of Elementary Algorithms

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The project contains algorithms that were implemented in my Data Structure & Algorithms course. Yes, I got marks for those. 😎

Categorical List of Algorithms

 ├─ arithmeticExpressions
 │ ├─ InfixEvaluation
 │ ├─ InfixToPostfix
 │ ├─ InfixToPrefix
 │ ├─ PostfixEvaluation
 │ └─ PrefixEvaluation
 ├─ dataStructures
 │ ├─ listImplementation
 │ │ ├─ implementationUsingNode
 │ │ │ ├─ OneWayLinkedList
 │ │ │ └─ TwoWayLinkedList
 │ │ ├─ OneWayLinkedList
 │ │ └─ TwoWayLinkedList
 │ ├─ stack
 │ │ └─ StackImplementation
 │ ├─ string
 │ │ ├─ String
 │ │ ├─ StringLongestCommonSubSecuence
 │ │ └─ StringLongestIncreasingSubSecuence
 │ └─ tree
 │   ├─ ActivitySelection
 │   ├─ BalanceTree
 │   ├─ KdTree
 │   ├─ BinaryHeap
 │   └─ BinomialTree
 ├─ graph
 │ ├─ BreathFirstSearch
 │ ├─ DepthFirstSearch
 │ ├─ MaxFlow
 │ ├─ ShortestPathAlgorithm
 │ └─ TopologicalSort
 ├─ numericalMethods
 │ ├─ calculus
 │ │ ├─ DerivetivesOnDifferentPoints
 │ │ ├─ IntegrationForwardInterpolation
 │ │ ├─ IntegrationSimpsonRule
 │ │ └─ IntersectingArea
 │ └─ equationSolving
 │   ├─ LinearEquationSolvingProcess
 │   │ ├─ JacobisMethod
 │   │ └─ GaussSeidalMethod
 │   └─ NonLinearEquationSolvingProcess
 │     ├─ BisectionMethod
 │     ├─ FalsePosition
 │     ├─ NewtonRaphson
 │     ├─ FixedPoint
 │     └─ Secant
 ├─ others
 │ ├─ cigaretteSmokersProblem
 │ ├─ geneticAlgorithm
 │ └─ huffmanAlgorithm
 ├─ search
 │ ├─ AStarSearch
 │ ├─ BinarySearch
 │ └─ KnuthMorrisPrattAlgorithm
 ├─ sort
 │ └─ QuickSort
 └─ thread
   ├─ priorityBased
   │ ├─ nonpremitive
   │ └─ premitive
   └─ shortestJob
     ├─ nonpremitive
     └─ premitive


GNU General Public License
This project is licensed under GNU General Public License version-3.